23 02 2023

WEBINAR - How APIs and Connected Services are changing the role of lighting in intelligent buildings

Intelligent lighting solutions can create and gather a wealth of data about the building. From highly granular occupancy data to per device telemetry, and all the way to gathering environmental and location data, lighting powered by Qualified Bluetooth mesh can become the digital backbone of the building and help you unlock your intelligent building.

Discover how Silvair and Sylvania Lighting are revolutionising how we deploy intelligent lighting, facilitate exceptional energy savings and deliver highly optimised light for great occupant comfort. Building on this strong foundation, we will show you how, with little additional effort, we can harness the power and flexibility of Applications programming Interfaces (API) to create rich data insights from across your building and pave the way to new opportunities.

Learn about the APIs that allow you to access the data from the Bluetooth mesh lighting networks in real-time, connect these networks with other building automation and management (BMS) systems, and build completely new applications on top of them.

Date: March 22, 14h00 GMT / 15h00 CET

Webinar length: 60 mins with Q&A

Speakers: Ewa Spohn (Silvair) & Edward Lees (Sylvania Lighting)